Memory Loss Begins At 20

I've been talking to my friend Jay this morning and he mentioned about being forgetful most of the time. And it's just timely because I'm planning to do some research about it since I've watched last night's local TV news program. They said that loss of memory actually starts when a person reaches the age of 20.

A few years back, I had this condition called Hyperthyroidism. And one of the signs that my doctor mentioned is that it might caused me memory problems (mental processes become dull). But how about other people who are healthy and does not suffer the same condition?

I bet once or twice or a dozen of times, you experienced walking into a room and forget why you get there? Forget the title of the movie you have recently watched?

Researchers says that memory is more than just something to store in your hard drive. If you don't use it, you might lose it. Make sense right?

According to studies, exercising our BRAIN will help our loss of memory. Just like our biceps, our brain also needs exercise to keep it fit.

Wanna find our more about this interesting fact? Check this site: Memory Loss Begins At 20


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the info Alms... So far so good.. ;)

Here's a few tips on remembering grocery lists (or any other list).. Made that post few months back.. :D

Hope it helps someone...